Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is it weird to have a basketball hoop in front of your garage if your a girl?

Is it weird to have a basketball hoop in front of your garage if your a girl and there are no boys in ur family except for your dad? Like a normal sized hoop not a baby one.

Please help. Serious answers please. Thanks!Is it weird to have a basketball hoop in front of your garage if your a girl?
Why does it matter if you're a girl or not? If you're embarrassed about having it, then you shouldn't have put it up on your garage.

I'm a girl and I have a basketball hoop in my front yard, and personally, I don't care about what my neighbors or anyone else says. I'll play basketball regardless.
Heck NO! why should you gender have anything to do with playing basketball?!Is it weird to have a basketball hoop in front of your garage if your a girl?
nah bein sprty is good. nah sometimes u'r borther or parents take control
No, of course not! If anyone makes fun of you, just file a lawsuit against them and charge them for sexism.Is it weird to have a basketball hoop in front of your garage if your a girl?
Hey trtennis,

Absolutely not! First many houses have basketball hoops on them. Secondly, i don't think there is anything particular about your house that identifies it as male or female.

Besides if you use it to practice it's great.

When your friends come over- it's always something kind of fun to do... so if i was you - and if you love basketball don't worry about what other people think.

i think it's pretty cool.

of course not!!

if you love basketball then thats ok.

(i even saw barbie dolls in front of a boy's house)

No because girls play basketball just like boys. Thats kind of like saying is it weird for a boy to have a soccer net in his front yard.
Why would it be weird? There are plenty of girls who play basketball and many who are better than some boys who play. I don't understand why you would think it was weird at all.
Ya but dont let that stop you
wtf? no! i have one. well.. i do have a brother but im the one that uses it the most.. its no problem at all.
Nah...If u wanna ball then ball.

Not at all. The only people who would think negatively about that are narrow minded sexists.

I think it is great, actually.
gender is constructed.

So don't worry.
definately not i find that as a dumb question no offense
no..if you want to play basketball then go ahead and do so.No one should tell you you can't. us women can do ne thing men do ne ways,take pride in it especially if you're good at it!
Not at all if you really love to hoop
no because it not like girls don't play basketball. Lots of girls play baketball and I don't think there is anything wrong with that.
look alot of tomboys paly hoops so it's okay...i'm kidding i wish i had a hoop in front of my garage but my driveway is slanted like my eyes
Not at all...
Not at all!
of course i live with my dad too nothins wrong with that
Is okay, as long you like basketball that's all matter. Plus you will be attract to boy easier that way.
If you like the sport of basketball its not werd if you like it you should play it u might become better than most boys

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